Meaning of “Jangu”

As a name for our organization we chose a word from Luganda, the most common (out of about 40) local languages in Uganda. “Jangu” may literally be translated to “Come (here)!”. We want to encourage people to get to know another culture, to come closer and not let oneself be governed by stereotypes.

Come and learn that Uganda is not identical to Africa, that not all Africans are able to drum and that Uganda does not simply consists of starving children but has to offer a rich cultural heritage, diversity and infectious lust for life.

“Jangu” likewise means “to approximate to the point of reaching”. Through the organisation and realisation of educational sponsorships Jangu e.V. not only wants to provide the children with education and thus with a chance for the future but also wants to offer the possibility to get to know different cultures.


Account details:
Account owner: Jangu e.V.
Account number: 1005414055
Bank code: 120 300 00
IBAN: DE54120300001005414055
Bank name: Deutsche Kreditbank AG

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